If you’re like most people, you probably use Ubuntu as your primary operating system. It’s a Linux distribution that’s popular in the world of technology, and it has a lot of features that make it an ideal choice for many people. One of the things that Ubuntu offers is the ability to let somebody else use your computer without logging off. This is a great way to keep your computer running while you’re away, and it can be especially helpful if you’re working on something important and don’t want to risk losing track of it. To do this, you first need to create a user account on Ubuntu. Then, you need to add the person who you want to allow access to your computer without logging off as a user. Once they’ve been added, they need to be enabled for sudo so that they can take control of your computer from within Ubuntu. Once they’re enabled for sudo, they need to set up their own password for their account. This will help protect their computer from being used by someone else without their permission. Finally, they need to set up a file called “sudoers” in their /etc/sudoers file so that when they log in as the new user, their password is automatically loaded into the system and they can take control of their machine again immediately.
Ubuntu provides a really great, simple way to get around this problem.
Click the Power Button up in the right hand corner:
You will see this screen, which you should be familiar with by now:
If you click the Switch User button, you can allow the other person to login to the computer, do whatever they want, and your programs will all keep running right where they left off.
Once the other user is done, just have them log out and you will be returned to your desktop session. You will most likely be prompted for your password.
This is a really great feature. You can even keep both sessions running by just using the Switch User button to switch between the different desktop accounts.