XP is a popular operating system and it has a lot of features that make it an ideal platform for software development. One of the most popular features of XP is its menu system. This system allows you to quickly and easily create and manage your menus. One way to make your XP menus load faster is to use the built-in functions of XP. For example, you can use the built-in function of XP to speed up the loading time of your menus. You can also use the built-in function of XP to improve the loading time of your menus when you are using a slow connection. You can also improve the loading time of your menus by using a third-party tool. For example, you can use a third-party tool to speed up the loading time of your menus. You can also use a third-party tool to improve the loading time of your menus when you are using a slow connection.

Go to Start Run and type in regedit and click OK.

Now in Registry Editor go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER Control Panel Click on Desktop.

This opens several values in the left pane, scroll down to MenuShowDisplay and double click.

Change the Value data from the default 400 to zero and click ok.  Now just close out of the Registry Editor.

You will notice a remarkable increase in the display of the start menu.  This can be done in Vista as well, although the steps are a bit different.