If you want to play audio files from your computer, you can use VLC media player. This program is available for free and can be downloaded from the official website. Once you have installed VLC, open it and click on the Media menu. From here, select Open File and browse to the location of the audio file that you want to play. Once you have found the file, select it and click on the Play button. VLC will start playing the file immediately. If you want to pause or stop playback, simply click on one of these buttons. You can also adjust the volume level by using the slider at the bottom of the window. ..


But for those of us with no interest in touching RealPlayer with a digital ten foot  pole, there is a reasonably straightforward way to play the streams without having to sell your soul, and what’s more it uses the geekiest media player around; VLC.

If you aren’t aware of VLC, it pretty much plays everything. To download VLC follow this link.

Once you’ve installed the the program, open it up and click Media, then Streaming.

Change the filter drop down menu to All Files.

Then select your stream and click Play.

  Then here simply click the Play Locally box.

Then stream.

And your stream should begin playing. This works for RM/RAM audio, but not for all video due to the  issues associated with RealPlayer’s closed source codec. But while there’s no consistently easy escape from RealPlayer for our eyes, at least our ears can enjoy uninterrupted sound without ever having to click on that silly little speech bubble icon again.