ASP.NET is a popular web development framework that enables developers to create dynamic, interactive websites. ASP.NET applications can be run on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux platforms, but they can also be run on Ubuntu Linux systems. This article will show you how to install and configure ASP.NET on Ubuntu using the .NET Core 2.0 platform. ASP.NET is a popular web development framework that enables developers to create dynamic, interactive websites. ASP.NET applications can be run on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux platforms, but they can also be run on Ubuntu Linux systems using the .NET Core 2.0 platform which is an open source version of Microsoft’s .NET Framework developed by the Microsoft Corporation and its partners. The following steps will show you how to install and configure ASP.NET on Ubuntu using the .NET Core 2.0 platform:
- First you will need to install the .NET Core 2.0 platform on your Ubuntu system by following these instructions: https://www2u3t4l3v3z4x5z5a6y7c8b9jy9w2n7g2a6fjy-wpengine-net-core-installer-ubuntu1604-x64bit-.html?ver=1&revision=1&p=downloads&qid=CcKfNQDVFoA&mime=application/octet-stream
- Once the .NET Core 2.0 platform has been installed, you will need to download and install the ASP.NET application from https://www dot net / releases / aspnetcore / aspnetcore - 4 . 0 - release - 1 / aspnetcore - 4 . 0 - release - 1 _setup_x64_enu . exe : ..
Mono development environment.
This will install the development environment along with some sample applications. To run the sample applications, you will launch the XSP process and point it at the samples. You’d simply modify the path to run an application that you’ve created.
sudo apt-get install
Listening on port: 8080 (non-secure) Listening on address: Root directory: /usr/share/ Hit Return to stop the server.
This will install the development environment along with some sample applications. To run the sample applications, you will launch the XSP process and point it at the samples. You’d simply modify the path to run an application that you’ve created.
sudo apt-get install asp.net2-examples
At this point, you’d want to navigate in your browser to http://localhost:8080/ and you should see a page similar to this:
Listening on port: 8080 (non-secure) Listening on address: Root directory: /usr/share/ Hit Return to stop the server.