Spreadsheets are a great way to keep track of data. But if you’re like most people, you don’t have time to create and manage spreadsheets by yourself. That’s where autofill comes in. Autofill lets you fill out your spreadsheet with data automatically. This makes it easy to keep track of your data and make sure it’s organized correctly. To use autofill in your spreadsheet, open the spreadsheet you want to use it in and click on the “Autofill Data” button. This will open a dialog box that will let you choose which fields to autofill. You can choose any of the fields in the table below, or you can select all of them at once by clicking on the “All Fields” button. Once you’ve chosen which fields to autofill, click on the “OK” button to finish filling out your spreadsheet. The autofilled sheet will be saved as a file called “autofilled_spreadsheet”.

For example we can use Autofill to enter in the days of the week.  Simply start by entering Sunday in a cell left click and drag down or across the cells you want to populate and release.


Following that basic guideline we can make a quick schedule.  Here I am making a simple delivery schedule.  I want it to be for the next two weeks.  Using the method above I create two weeks worth of weekdays and am also associating the date of the month as well.  I start with one cell showing the 1st and the next cell showing Monday.  You will also notice you can select the Icon that appears at the edge of the last cell for a drop down menu that includes additional options. 


Using the Autofill option really can save a lot of time when you are entering in redundant sequential data.  Even a mm/dd/yyyy format can be easily created.

Again Autofill can be used going horizontal or vertical in the sheet.  Here is a quick example of a weekly chart.

Hopefully this will help you out and once you get the hang of using this feature, creating worksheets from scratch or even using this to analyze data can be much easier.