Disk space usage on Ubuntu is a bit of a mystery to many. How much space is available on the hard drive? How do you measure it? And what’s the best way to use it? In this article, we’ll take a look at how to view disk space usage on Ubuntu and some tips for optimizing your storage. We’ll also explore some ways to reduce disk space usage on Ubuntu. How to view disk space usage on Ubuntu To view disk space usage on Ubuntu, open a terminal and type: $ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda1 8G 5.5G 97% /usr/share/documents 1M 0 100% /usr/share/icons 1M 0 100% /usr/share/man 1M 0 100% /usr/share/pixmaps 2K 2K 0% tmpfs 6G 4K 97% /run tmpfs 6G 4K 97% /var tmpfs 6G 4K 97%proc $Id$ 10M 4096 9% $HOME/.bash_profile 3M 3M 99% $HOME/.bashrc 2.4G 1.8G 98% $HOME/.bash_logout 1.2G 912K 98% $HOME/.cache1 512B 512B 0% $HOSTNAME$ 10M 4096 9%, total 1024M 8192k freed 524k used (100%)