Ubuntu is a popular Linux distribution that is known for its user-friendly interface and wide range of applications. To keep your Ubuntu system up to date, you can install the latest software packages from unofficial repositories known as PPAs. To install a PPA, open the Ubuntu Software Center and search for “ppa”. Select the PPA that you want to install and click on the “Install” button. After the PPA has been installed, open the “Software Sources” menu item and select it from the list of sources. Finally, open the “Updates” menu item and select the PPA from the list of available updates. ..

Using these newer packages requires using software sources outside from the normal Ubuntu repositories. Fortunately, there are hundreds, and adding them to Ubuntu is extremely easy!

These other software sources are called Personal Package Archives (PPAs). In most cases, searching for the software you want to upgrade and the word “ppa” will get you to a page that tells you the name of the PPA and some extra details. All that you really need is the name of the PPA.

In our example, we’re going to use the PPA for daily builds of Mozilla Firefox. The PPA name is ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa.

Note: The method described below is only valid for Ubuntu 9.10 and above. For earlier versions of Ubuntu, use our earlier guide for adding extra repositories.

Just for reference, before we add the PPA, with the latest updates our version of Firefox is 3.6.10.

Open a terminal window (either Applications > Accessories > Terminal or Ctrl+Alt+T) and enter the following line

which, in our case, is

Now, when we open the Update Manager (System > Administration > Update Manager) and click on Check, we get updates for Firefox.

Installing those updates gives us the latest version of Firefox!

This PPA also happens to include other packages, including the Firefox 4.0 beta. With a quick sudo apt-get install firefox-4.0 we can now try out the latest beta version of Firefox.

PPAs are a great way to selectively choose which software you want to risk updating to the latest version. What PPAs do you use? Let us know in the comments!