Linux has been around for a while now, but it’s not always the most user-friendly platform. That’s where Kubuntu comes in – it’s a Linux distribution that’s designed to be user-friendly and easy to use. Kubuntu is based on Ubuntu, but it features a number of modifications that make it more user-friendly. For example, Kubuntu uses the Unity desktop environment instead of the Ubuntu default GNOME desktop. Unity is more user-friendly and easier to use than GNOME, and it looks great too. Another modification made to Kubuntu is the inclusion of the KDE Plasma desktop environment. Plasma is one of the most popular desktop environments available today, and it offers a lot of features that users will find useful. Overall, Kubuntu is an excellent choice for those looking for a Linux distribution that’s easy to use anduser-friendly. It offers all the features that users will need without being too complicated or overwhelming. ..
I have never been able to do a complete switch to Linux as my main OS because of some of the issues that go along with it. Last week I decided to give it another go. No dual boot system this time either I thought. Anytime I have tried that in the past, I would always end up booting the Windows partition out of pure geek laziness. There are a plethora of Distro’s available now, but I decided to go with Ubuntu. I guess I went with Ubuntu because of the tremendous amount of online support available. Also, The Geek has a complete section of useful Ubuntu and Linux tips!
I went with the default gnome GUI at first. I was able to easily maneuver my way through Ubuntu pretty well. When it came to installing drivers for my Nvidia card, it was an easy and painless process. I also have a Creative X-Fi sound card … not so lucky with this. There is actually a beta driver for X-Fi cards from Creative Open Source, but the bad thing for my set up is it does not currently support 5.1 surround sound. I am sticking to my integrated sound for now and will let my X-Fi card sits and collects dust for now.
I was really enjoying gnome and my new Linux environment, when I decided I allow myself the experience of KDE. Installing KDE with the default gnome desktop environment is easy enough, just follow The Geek’s Guide. I have to admit that the KDE environment is a great choice if you are ditching Windows. KDE offers a lot of functionality right out of the box. With the release of KDE 4.0 it gets even better. With a beautiful interface, familiar start menu, and the ability to browse directories as Root with just a click and a lot more. I am now a Kubuntu fan … and now that I have decided this, I am going to do a clean install of the Kubuntu 64 system and keep going.