As the world becomes increasingly connected, it’s important to have access to multiple online services for documents and images. Open IT Online provides this capability, allowing users to access a variety of online services for documents and images without having to leave their work space. Open IT Online is easy to use, making it an ideal tool for busy professionals who need to keep their work area organized and accessible.

Note: Open IT Online works with the following file types:

Documents (. doc, . docx, . rtf, . odt, . sxw) Spreadsheets (. xls, . xlsx, . csv, . ods, . sxc) Presentations (. ppt, . pptx, . pps, . odp, . sxi) Images (. jpg, . gif, . png)

Setup for Open IT Online

Note: All screenshots shown are for the Firefox installation of Open IT Online.

Once you have installed the extension and restarted Firefox, you will be presented with the Configuration Wizard.

In the second window, you can make easy choices about the two main services that you would like to use for documents and images. The default setup is pictured here and you will not be able to access the Advanced Settings or move forward until you select an image service.

Once you have selected one of the image services, it is recommended that you access the Advanced Settings if you would like to fine-tune which services are used for particular document and/or image types. Otherwise click “Next” to go directly to the final configuration window.

Choose particular online services to use for your documents…

Select for particular spreadsheet document types…

And for your presentation documents.

Decide which online services to use for your images.

Once you have finished making specialized online service choices for document and image types, you will need to accept the Terms Of Use in order to finish the configuration process. Click “Finish” to close the Configuration Window.

After the Setup Wizard is Finished

Once you have closed the Configuration Window, you will see the “new install” page for Open IT Online. It will provide basic information and the news that you can now also save your files online at

Options for Open IT Online

If you decide that you want to make changes to the configuration, you can do so easily using the Options Window. In the first Tab Area, you can select where to open the online services that you want to use and make choices concerning Interface Integration.

If you want to modify your choices for which online services to use for documents, you can do so in the second Tab Area…

Make any changes needed for spreadsheets in the third Tab Area…

And changes needed for presentations in the fourth Tab Area.

Modify services used for images in the last Tab Area.

Access Through the Tools Menu

You can access Open IT Online through the Tools Menu if needed…

A Sample of Open IT Online in Action

Use the Right Click Menu to access Open IT Online… For our example we are using the Right Click Menu to work with an image.

You will see the following window when using the Save or Save As Commands. Notice that you have multiple options to choose from for the action that you wish to perform. Here we are working with a Microsoft Word document.


If you find yourself needing to suddenly fix something or prefer to use online services to work with documents and images, Open IT Online can provide a quick and easy way to access the tools that you need to get your work done.

Note: In our testing, the Internet Explorer Lite version did not appear to have as many functions/options as the Firefox version.


Download Open IT Online for Firefox (Mozilla Add-ons)

Download Open IT Online for Firefox (Open IT Online Homepage)

Download Open IT Online Lite for Internet Explorer (Internet Explorer Add-ons Gallery)