In recent years, PHP has become a popular language for web development. It’s easy to learn and versatile, making it perfect for creating dynamic websites. One of the most popular PHP libraries is the File System Library (FSL), which allows you to easily display a customizable list of files in a directory. To use FSL, you first need to install the library. You can find it on the PHP website. Once you’ve installed it, you can create a new file called “config.php” and add the following line: define(‘FSL_DIR’, ‘./config’); This line tells FSL where to find its files. Next, you need to create a file called “fsl_display.php” and add the following code:
addFileSystem($this->DIR); $fsl->addDirectory($this->DIR); $fsl->addFile($this->FILE); ?>This code creates an FSL instance and sets up some basic functionality. The first line sets up our directory where we’ll store our files; the second line adds our file system to FSL; and finally, we call FSL’s addFileSystem() function to add our file system to our instance. Now all we need is to write some code that will show us a list of files in ourdirectory! The first thing we’ll do is create an array called “files”. We’ll use this array to store all of our files:
'file2', ); ?>Next, we’ll create an object that will represent each file in ourdirectory: class FileSystem { public function getFiles() { return $files; } } Next, we’ll write some code that will show us a list of files in ourdirectory:
That’s about all you need to do. You could also put the list of files into an array if you felt like it, or use this as the beginning for a thumbnail page, which is what I used it for.