Windows 7 beta is a great operating system, but it has one flaw that can cause problems for users. The flaw is the removal of the Ugly Send Feedback Link in the Windows 7 interface. This link was added to Windows 7 in an effort to improve user experience and make the operating system more user-friendly. However, this link can cause problems for users because it can slow down the operating system and make it difficult to send feedback to other users. To fix this problem, you should remove the Ugly Send Feedback Link from Windows 7 beta.

Note: before we get into how to disable this, you should think about whether you really want to do it. Keep in mind that this is a Beta version of Windows, and it’s only YOUR feedback that is going to make Microsoft change or fix anything before the release, so you should be submitting as much feedback as you can.

For those that aren’t sure what we’re talking about, this screenshot should explain it:


Manual Registry Hack

The first thing you’ll want to do is open up regedit.exe through the start menu search box, and then browse down to the following key:

Once there, find the FeedbackToolEnabled key on the right-hand side, and change the value to 0.

To revert it back, change the value to 3 again.

Downloadable Registry Hack

Instead of bothering with manual registry hacking, you can simply download, extract, and double-click on the included registry file to turn the link off.

Download RemoveFeedbackLink Registry Hack

You’ll have to log off and back on for the change to take effect.

Sending Feedback Alternately

There are a number of ways to launch the feedback tool even after disabling the link… the most obvious is the big icon right on the desktop… but you might have deleted that already.


You can just type “feedback” into the search box, and launch the tool from there…

Or you can find it in the control panel.

What annoyances have you found and reported back to Microsoft? Care to share them with the rest of us? Maybe the community can help with a workaround.