Plesk Watchdog is a security software application used by millions of people around the world to protect their systems from unauthorized access. SSH is one of the applications included in Plesk Watchdog and is possible to allow from the application. This could allow an attacker to gain access to your system and potentially execute malicious code. If you are using Plesk Watchdog, please take steps to protect your system from this potential threat.

The error email I get from “watchdog” once a week looks like this:

To fix this problem, we’ll need to edit the sshd_config file, which is the main configuration file for the sshd service. The location will sometimes be different, but it’s usually in /etc/ssh/. Open the file up while logged on as root.

[01:01:51] ————————- Security advisories ————————-[01:01:52] Warning: SSH version 1 possible allowed!

note: Be careful, if you screw this up you won’t be able to ssh to your server anymore…

Find this section in the file, containing the line with “Protocol” in it. Here’s where the problem is… we need to explicitly tell the sshd service to only use version 2.

If the line is commented out or has both 2,1 in it, you’ll need to make it look like this (leave the other lines alone)

Now you’ll need to restart the sshd service:

You shouldn’t get those error emails anymore.