Ubuntu One Music Store is coming to Lucid Lynx, the Ubuntu-based operating system that’s designed for gaming and productivity. The store will offer a variety of music, movies, and TV shows from major labels and independent artists. The store is available now on Lucid Lynx.

Ubuntu One Music Store

Users will be able to access Ubuntu One music store from the sidebar of Rhythmbox. The music store is a web page that opens in the Rhythmbox player. There are albums listed on the home page of the Ubuntu One music store page.

Ubuntu One music store is powered by 7digital, which is a leading digital B2B media delivery company based in London and operating globally. Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, has partnered with 7digital to bring the music store to it’s users, integrating it with Rhythmbox and it’s cloud storage service UbuntuOne which was launched last year.

The home screen of the Ubuntu One music store displays popular albums and functionality to browse and search. You can search for Artists, Tracks, Albums, or a combination of all three. Users will also be able to browse the store alphabetically, or based on different music genres. Once you select a specific artist, all their available albums are arranged in a grid.

Once an album is selected, you’ll will be able to download specific songs or the whole album. You’ll also be allowed to preview different songs for 60 seconds.

You’ll be able to buy tracks using a credit card or with PayPal. The purchased tracks will be visible under Library \ Purchased from Ubuntu One. The downloaded tracks are also synced with your UbuntuOne account. This means that you’ll be able to access your tracks from any where on the web. The default UbuntuOne account comes with 2 GB free storage, however, you can also purchase additional space if you need it.


All the music is in mp3 format which is not supported by default in Ubuntu. However, you can get mp3 playback functionality using GStreamer multimedia framework.


All in all the Ubuntu One music store is a positive move to enhance the user experience and also increase the popularity of Canonical in bringing Ubuntu closer to regular users. This would also provide Canonical to make some revenue in collaboration with 7digital.

Ubuntu One Music Store Wiki