If you’re like most people, you use a watch to time your day. But what if you could use that timekeeping device to track other activities as well? For example, you could set up a stopwatch on your computer to track how long it takes you to complete a task or how long it takes for your work project to finish. There are many online stopwatch applications available, but one of the best is called Stopwatch.com. Stopwatch.com is a free and easy-to-use online stopwatch application that can be used on any computer. Just enter the start and end times of the tasks or projects you want to track, and Stopwatch will automatically calculate the total time for those tasks or projects. Stopwatch also has some great features that make it an excellent stopwatch application for desktop use. For example, Stopwatch can be set up so that it will automatically start recording when the mouse button is hit, so you can easily see how long each task has taken. Additionally, Stopwatch can be set up so that it will record video footage of the tasks or projects being tracked, so you can see how those tasks or projects are progressing over time. Stopwatch is an excellent stopwatch application for desktop use and is perfect for anyone who wants to keep track of their day-to-day activities!
To get started, you’ll need to already have Google’s Chrome browser installed, as we’ll use the “Create application shortcuts” feature to launch the website in a window all by itself, mimicking a desktop application.
Creating the Application Shortcut
Open up Chrome and browse over to http://www.online-stopwatch.com/large-stopwatch/ and then click on the icon to the right of the address bar, choosing “Create application shortcuts…” from the menu.
You’ll get a choice of where you want to place the shortcuts, and then click the OK button to continue.
At this point you’ll have an icon for the Online Stopwatch. The icon quality isn’t so great at larger sizes, but it looks pretty good in the quick launch bar at least.
Now when you open it up, you’ll get what looks like a desktop application, although it’s nothing more than a custom browser with a special shortcut.
You can use this feature of Google Chrome to turn any website into a “desktop” application… loads of possibilities.