Ubuntu is a Linux distribution that is popular in the world of computing. It has a lot of features and it can be used to run many different types of applications. One of the most popular Ubuntu distributions is Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. If you are looking for a Linux distribution that can be used to run many different types of applications, Ubuntu is a good choice. However, if you are looking for a specific application or if you want to know which package created this file, Ubuntu may not be the best choice for you.

Sure, you can head over to google, but don’t you always wonder how those people know? It’s simple, install the dlocate utility, which is a faster alternative to dpkg for this type of query.

You can use the command with the syntax ‘dlocate ’, which will give you this output:

That’s a lot of output! You can see that there are a lot of filenames that partially match. Better to pass the full path to the filename. In this case, you can use ‘which flac’ to determine which flac command you are using, and then pass the full path to dlocate.

libxine1: /usr/lib/xine/plugins/1.1.4/xineplug_flac.solibtunepimp5: /usr/lib/tunepimp/plugins/flac.tppgstreamer0.10-plugins-good: /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/libgstflac.soflac: /.flac: /usrflac: /usr/binflac: /usr/bin/flac—– trimmed ——

Now we know that the flac command is found in the package called “flac”. (Yes, this example was very simple) You could even get more creative (use the character next to the 1 key, not a single quote)


$ dlocate /usr/bin/flac

flac: /usr/bin/flac

If you don’t feel like installing another utility, you can use the ‘dpkg -S ’  command that is built in, but the output isn’t nearly as fast or organized. Just make sure you pass the full path of the file to either utility and you should get good results.

flac: /usr/bin/flac