The Weather Underground is a website that provides forecasts for the United States. The website was created in the early 1990s and has been providing forecasts for the US ever since. The website is available in Google Chrome. The website provides a variety of forecasts, including weather reports, temperature predictions, and more. The website also has a forum where users can discuss weather conditions and other topics. The website is a great resource for people who want to know what the weather will be like in their area tomorrow or next week.

Weather Underground in Action

As soon as you click on the “Toolbar Icon” you will need to enter a location. Keep in mind that you will need to enter the “city and country” if using that option. Going with less information will yield an “error”.

Note: The extension did not work for some Asian locations during our tests.

In honor of the Olympics we chose Vancouver, Canada. You can hover over the “Toolbar Button” to see the current conditions or click to view the current day’s conditions, the current day’s forecast, and the forecast for the following three days. It is a simple straightforward interface.

Note: There are no options to worry with.

Clicking on the “Detailed Forecast Link” in the drop-down window will take you to the Weather Underground webpage for your location.

Clicking on the “Weather Underground Link” in the drop-down window will take you to the Weather Underground U.S. Homepage.

Additional Weather Underground Fun

Since we were focusing on Weather Underground we have an extra bit of fun for you. If you love being able to view a “large scale” map of your location with current conditions and forecast combined then you might want to have a look at Weather Underground’s “wxmap webpage”. Using the link below you can access the basic starting page where you will be asked to enter your location.

Once you have entered the information you will see the default “Terrain View” for your location and a “Current Conditions & Forecast Window” in the lower left corner. You can modify how your map looks by choosing from “Temperature, Precipitation, Clouds, Satellite, Hybrid, & Terrain” views. Going full screen in your browser with this gives your monitor a wonderful and unique look that will have your family & friends asking you how you did it.

Note: Terrain View shown here.

Clicking on the “Settings Link” in the upper left corner will let you tweak your map view very nicely.


If you love using Weather Underground for your weather forecasts then you can add a “double dose” of goodness to your browser.


Download the Weather Underground extension (Google Chrome Extensions)

Access the Full Screen Weather Underground Map & Forecast for your area