Firefox is a popular web browser that is used by millions of people around the world. It has a number of features that make it an excellent choice for online browsing. One of its most popular features is the ability to use tabsbed browsing, which allows you to keep track of multiple websites at the same time. This makes Firefox a great choice for busy people who want to stay connected while on the go.

Open Up about:config in Your Browser Window

Type “about:config” (without the quote marks) into the address bar and hit “Enter”. Once you have the about:config page open in your browser window, it is time to fix those two about:config entries.

  1. Type or copy & paste “view_source.editor.external” (without the quote marks) into the Filter Address Bar. Once the about:config entry is displayed, right click on the entry and select “Toggle” to change the value to “true”.

Note: You can also double click on the entry to do the same thing.

  1. Type or copy & paste “view_source.editor.path” (without the quote marks) into the Filter Address Bar. Once the about:config entry is displayed, right click on the entry and select “Modify”.

Once you have clicked on “Modify”, you will see the following window appear asking you to “Enter string value”.

Enter the target path of your favorite code/text editor (without the quote marks). For our example, we have chosen “C:\Program Files\Editra\Editra.exe”. Click “OK” and restart your browser to complete the changes.

Note:  For those who would like to use Notepad, enter the target path “C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe”.

Accessing Your Favorite Code/Text Editor 

Once you have a webpage that you want to see the source code for, go to the View Menu and select “Page Source”.

Once you have clicked “Page Source”, your favorite code/text editor will open up displaying all that wonderful webpage code goodness!

That is all there is to it. Have fun using your favorite code/text editor with Firefox!