Computer memory is a precious commodity. It’s not just for storing your photos and videos, but also for keeping your programs and data running smoothly. So how do you know which type of memory your computer has installed? To find out, open the Start menu and type “msinfo32.” When the program opens, click on the “System Information” tab. In the “System Properties” window that pops up, look under the heading “Memory.” If your computer has a DDR3 memory module installed, it will say so in this section. If it doesn’t have DDR3 memory installed, it will say so in the next section. If you’re looking to upgrade your computer’s memory, be sure to get a DDR3 module. Not only are they more powerful than DDR2 modules, but they also support faster speeds and more features than DDR2 modules do. ..

Since you shouldn’t have to open up the computer just to figure out what you have installed, here’s a couple of options for detecting the type of memory already installed in your system.

Using Speccy

This very useful free application should be a standard in any geek’s toolkit. It comes bundled as a single file, no installation required, assuming you download the portable version. They also have a paid version with more features.

You can immediately see the type of RAM you have installed.

The only question is whether I can install faster memory than the memory already installed, which leads us into our next option.

Download Speccy

Using the Crucial Memory Advisor

Memory manufacturer Crucial has put together an amazing website, combined with an optional system scanner tool that will detect the memory already installed in your computer the same way System Information for Windows does… It’s just not as geeky.

On their homepage, there’s the two options… if you’ve already figured out the memory you have installed, you can use the drop-down menus on the right to select your system.

They will give you some great information about what your computer can support, along with a list of questions and answers. Turns out I can upgrade to faster PC2-5300 memory if I wanted…

If you chose the system scanner route, you’ll be redirected to a web page showing you the current memory configuration, and what they recommend for upgrading, although they seem to give you less information on this screen.

I’m not sure that you necessarily want to buy memory from Crucial directly since you could probably get a better price elsewhere, but their memory advisor is extremely useful to figure out what you need.

Crucial Memory Advisor

Other Options

You can look up the specs for your system to figure out what memory types your computer takes. I usually google for “modelnumber specs”, for instance I’d type in “nc8430 specs”. You can use some of the other memory advisors, like Kingston or PNY, but their sites are a bit less useful. Pull out the manual for your computer or motherboard, and take a look at your receipts to figure out what you bought last time. If you built a computer with parts from Newegg, you can look at your order history to re-order the exact same memory module if you know you have empty slots. (This is exactly the route I chose last month) If you are running Mac OS X, you can just look under your “About this Mac” and then click on More Info.

Upgrading the memory in your computer is the fastest way to better performance in Windows Vista. I’d recommend 2GB of RAM for Vista, but don’t bother going over 3GB if you are using 32-bit Vista or XP because Windows won’t be able to use all of it.